43rd MD308 Lions Convention DG's Opening Address

A very good afternoon and welcome to Malacca, a beautiful city, which is well known for its traditions and history. I consider this town to be very special to me. In 1997, I was elected the district governor at a similar convention here. And now I am returning as Council Chairperson. Let me welcome all the delegates to the 43rd MD308 Lions Convention.

We are indeed honoured to have with us, the Chief Minister of Malacca, YAB Datuk Seri Haji Mohd Ali bin Mohd Rustam is our Guest of Honour. I hope YAB will enjoy our company and will continue to give us the support in our effort to help the community. On behalf of the Lions of MD308, I say a big ‘Terima Kasih’.

We are privileged to have Lions Clubs International’s Official Speaker, International Director Dr Wing-Kun Tam. I had the opportunity to meet ID Dr Tam in Manila and I am sure we will continue to learn much from him during this convention.

Multiple District 308 is a very large family of 298 Lions clubs with 8,000 members. We have about 270 Leo clubs with 14 thousand Leos. We also have 300 over Lionesses in 12 Lioness clubs. Delegates who attend this convention represent these clubs. Those of you who have a ‘red dot’ pasted on the convention name tag signify you're privileged to vote. You are entrusted with the responsibility to decide on many issues, which will determine the future of our Multiple District.

Our Multiple District is now 43 years old. We have also grown bigger in membership. This shows that we are moving ahead. For the future of our MD, we need to continue to build a solid foundation. We feel that the Lions hold high positions must have added responsibility. They must be able to inspire their fellow members. They have to generously share their talents with their fellow members. Also, our mission is to provide voluntary services to our community. One word that comes to mind is “Leadership”. With strong leadership, we are able to work as a team to achieve our objectives.

The theme of this convention is ‘Love, Share, Care’. I believe, wholeheartedly, if we practise the spirit of love, share and care, we are better leaders. I encourage you to practise these amongst your club members. I can imagine the membership will blossom by sincerely practising these spirits.  

During the recent tsunami disaster in the northern part of Peninsular, I learnt that Lions in the 4 districts have given out tremendous support. We have responded by contributing over 1.3 million ringgit in cash and kind. Many Lions also provided care and service to the victims. I call this an act of humanitarian service and this is because of our love and care for our community. This reminds me of a truly great humanitarian, Helen Keller who said “Alone we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” I hope all Lions will continue to stay united and help one another.  

The Lions of MD308 meet annually in a convention such as this. There will be workshops for incoming officers, seminars, sub-district meetings. Recognition of achievements will be demonstrated by most of our fellow members.

The venue and facilities arrangements are made possible by a team of hardworking committees. This is headed by PCC Dato Dr K. Nagaratnam. Let us put our hands together and acknowledge the wonderful job done by the Convention Organising Committee.

In conclusion, I thank all delegates for being here. I hope you will go home richer in experience, knowledge and develop more friendships. Let us make this convention a very memorable one for all participants.

Thank you.